Sunday, December 31, 2006

The real reason why I do what I do.

hey all,
I just wanted to say a bit about why I started this blog. I was just talking to a friend on myspace and realized why exactly it is that I'm doing this. I just want to be able to make a living doing something that I love and hopefully be able to help others do the same thing.
Here's my ideal life: I wake up, do my salutations to the sun, meditate for a while, come over to the computer and start writing about what I've learned in the last 24 hours, or something else that I've learned. Then I'd swing around my kettlebells, have lunch, meditate some more, write some more, then have supper. After supper I'd meditate again, maybe write a poem, write a short essay on the principles of enlightenment, then prepare for bed. Before bed I'd meditate one last time, salute the sun in its hiding, and retire. Perfect.
This is more or less how my days look. The only thing missing at this point is the money to sustain it. I guess that's where this blog comes in. I really believe that the best way to get ahead in life is to help others get ahead, so here I am, perfectly willing to give everything last drop of what I know so that I can keep learning, so I can keep teaching, so I can keep learning, get the picture.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Do what you love.

Not much to say today. It seems, however, that my philosophy blog, and my health blog are gaining some regular visitors. Everyday I get a couple of page impressions from those two even though they are the ones that I've spent the least amount of time on. Oddly they are the ones that I care most about. I am passionate about both aspects of my life, more so than any others, and it seems that people are responding to that. Go figure, do what you love and you'll get ahead, odd that no one else has thought of that;)
I'll do a good post about affiliate marketing tomorrow, so stick around and get an earful.
Stay breezy,

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas page impressions

I've got 70 page impressions today! Seems a little odd to me. I was snooping around some forum today and noticed other people noticing the same thing. A few people were saying that their page visits and CTR were seriously diminished for the last couple weeks leading up to Christmas. Strange. Maybe my CTR will start going up now. Wait and see I guess.

Simple Article Marketing

Hey there guys and gals.
I was just going over a few of my other blogs and checking out the page impressions and what not. Nothing really interesting to report today. I guess I'll just continue with my affiliate lesson.
Once you have a product that you feel will sell you have a few options open to you. You can start an AdWords campaign, start a website or blog, write articles, put out press releases, spam the hell out of forums, email lists, and I'm sure any number other ways. Unfortunately most of these aren't free and since I want every single person in the world (who has access to the net) to be able to do this I won't be focusing on any of them but the free ones yet. I will go into all of them eventually because I think the best way to be able to make a decent living from all of this is to be constantly reinvesting in yourself (like any good entrepreneur should), but until you've made a couple sales I'm going to assume you have absolutely no money.

Now I'm going to lay out a very simple, though somewhat time consuming, way to guarantee a regular income without having to spend a dime. Pick your products from clickbank. Make sure they're good enough that you might consider buying them yourself. Then start writing articles about them. Lots of articles. I'm talking at least 3 articles a day for a month. They don't have to be great works of art just make sure they seem professional, sincere, and give a real value to the reader. Focus on giving the reader real information, and not just a bunch of arguments for why they should be clicking your link.
Now, you can either write for search engines or article directories. To write for a search engine you need to pick the right keywords, have the right density, have a good niche, and submit to only one directory. Its a lot more work but it may very well be worth it (I haven't tested this method against the other method yet so I'm not sure. If anyone knows which way is better feel free to let us all know) because you'll be getting traffic from Google and not a directory. It is possible to rank quite high on Google if you submit to the right directory (I'll go into this more later). The other option is simply writing the article and submitting it to as many directories as you can. Many directories don't get very much traffic, or don't allow affiliate links, so there's a couple kinks in this method too. All in all though, I'm pretty convinced that just about anyone with a couple extra hours a day, and the will to succeed, could pull this off in a month or two, especially with the sales and persuasion techniques I'll be teaching here.

I'll be posting directories, details about keywords, and adding incentives to your articles in another post. For now though, start looking around the net for affiliate forums, or money making forums, there's a lot of good ones out there.


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A brief post about article marketing.

Hey sports fans,
I was just checking the page impressions from yesterday and I noticed something interesting. I had a total of 25 page impressions and the majority of them were from this blog. Now that's pretty interesting considering that this blog is the one that I've done the least amount of advertising for. I've put the link at the bottom of a couple articles and told my mom about it and put out a bulletin on myspace but that's it. So what I'm figuring is that people are starting to visit here on a repeat basis. That's really neat because of the fact that this is the only blog of mine that I've consistently put whole-hearted effort into. Like I mentioned in a previous post, when you appreciate yourself and others they begin to appreciate you. I'm still not making much money from these blogs, but at least things are starting to pick up a bit of momentum.

Yesterday I talked a bit about affiliate marketing. I went over a couple of the better programmes and covered a bit of the basics. Now I want to give everyone a chance to get started immediately with absolutely no monetary investment. This techniques is great and opens up a lot of possibilities for those of you out there who are creative and willing to work.

I'll assume you've already set up you clickbank account (its the easiest and quickest way to start). Now you want to pick out a few products that you think will sell quite well. There's a few things to consider when choosing a product to promote. First of all I want all of you to realize that this is the most important step. If your product is garbage the majority of your sales will result in returns. No fun there.
So you need to go to clickbank and browse through the products. You'll want to arrange the list by "high gravity." Start off picking out the products that have a gravity between 30 and 70. This range ensures that the product has been successfully promoted by others but also that the market is not yet saturated. Get a list of 10-20 products within this range. Now, go look at their sales pages. A good sales page is crucial for selling. You'll want to look at the benefits offered, bonuses, discounts, basically any sort of added incentive is going to help the sales. Look for a sense of sincerity, a genuine value in the product. Ask yourself if you would buy it yourself. All this is going to narrow your list down a little bit, and you should end up with about 10 products on your short list. (NB about 80% of all internet purchases are made by women. Keep that in mind when choosing products. Recipe books and yoga manuals are good sellers. Not just because of the demographic but also because the information is usually pretty straight forward. A site that sells recipe books isn't making a bunch of promises that set off peoples "scam alarms.")
So once you have a short-list of products that you think are going to sell really well all you have to do is get your links out. There are a few different ways of doing this. A couple of free ones are blogs, and articles. You can set up a blog that deals with the same things your products do, put up a bunch of posts about this topic then throw in some recommendations or testimonials. This would certainly work if you are willing to put the time into it, but if you don't feel like maintaining all the work you can just write a few articles.

As far as articles are concerned there is literally endless possibilities for the creative marketer. The basics of article marketing, however, couldn't be simpler. Take a product, write an article from experience, or find out what other people say about it, then submit it to article publishers. Some people prefer to just submit the article to as many publishers as possible, others prefer to let the article get picked up by search engines. I'm still experimenting to see which method is more efficient, but it seems that either method has its advantages. I'll go into this in more detail in another post.

I think I'm going to cut it off right here for now. I'll come back later with more info. I'll be covering everything so don't worry about being left in the dark about anything, and, like always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Affilate marketing. (with a note on Christmas)

Greetings from the aftermath of the worlds most commercial holiday. I hope everyone had a good one with lots of hoarding and gluttony. But seriously Christmas is nice, I like the camaraderie between friends and family, and seeing people I haven't seen since last Christmas, but the blatant commercialism obscures any sort of religious under tones. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, replacing sentimentality with greed, but I prefer to keep things a little more simple. I like the feeling I get from the day, and the long weekend, and the chance to be a bit more hedonistic, and spending time with people on one of the few days of the year when they are truly relaxed and pleased to be with me, even if only for a few hours. Its nice, I like it, and I would only wish it gone for the fact that it teaches kids how to be greedy and materialistic. If we could find a nice balance between the selflessness of giving and the pure pleasure of the whole holiday everything would be hunky dory. I propose that kids work for the entire month of December so that they can give gifts either from their own pocket or from their own ingenuity. That way they'd get the chance to feel true selflessness and get great gifts. Unfortunately the only way this would work would be if we forced them to work for December, and that would make their gift giving considerably less selfless. Oh well, whatcha gonna do?

I said a couple days ago that I would be dealing with making money from affiliate programs and even though its a couple days late I am a man of my word.
So the first thing we need is to find a good affiliate program to join. They're all free because essentially you are doing them a favour. You are literally advertising their products for them. You do the selling, they get more money, and you get commission. Its a nice, mutually beneficial relationship (something I think is absolutely necessary for any sort of business relationship).

You can find literally thousands of decent affiliate programs out there. Some are obviously better than others. Some have really shitty commission rates, some have fantastic commission. Some even have affiliate tiers (I think they call them tiers) where you can get other people to become affiliates and you get a percentage of all of their sales too (they don't make less, the merchant just ends up paying a bit more). Those are never that bad of an idea because of the residual income phenomena (I'll go into residual income streams in another post). But most programs are pretty straight forward. I'll go over a few more programmes in a later post but for now you should join clickbank and commission junction. These are the two best and most popular programmes right now.

Clickbank is one of the best because of the fact that it deals exclusively with digital products (stuff you can download immediately). A lot of people are looking on the net for instant gratification in one form or another, and if you're not into peddling porn or gambling then digital information products are the best way to go. By the way porn and gambling are very profitable if you have no moral objections. They are, however, very competitive for that very reason. So if you're clever with your marketing and don't have any objections I say go for it, try it out, then come back here and tell me what works for you.

Anyways, just go to ClickBank and get yourself signed up. It only takes a couple minutes and its absolutely free then you can start making money almost immediately. You'll be given a couple of links after you've settled on a good product (I'll go over choosing a product in another post). The top one is just the straight forward link, the bottom one is written in HTML so that you can embed it into your articles or whatnot (I'll go over this too eventually). You just copy and paste the whole thing into your text then replace the "Click Here!" with whatever you want to show up in the text. Make sure HTML is enabled or else your link will appear as is, instead of just the couple of words that you wanted. If this is at all confusing for you just go to clickbank and check it out, it should all become very clear very soon, but if not just come back here and ask your questions in the comment section. I'll answer any questions I can and if I don't know the answer I'll dig around until I find it.

Commission Junction is similar to clickbank but it serves more than just information products. Sign up is free and easy and you can literally choose just about any product you want to promote. Maybe start with stuff that you already have experiences with because it might be a little easier to sell your testimonial than a bunch of dry facts about the products.

I think I'll leave it here for now. I'll be returning, possibly later today, to talk more about the programs, how to sell, Google AdWords, writing articles, opt-in lists, link cloaking, how to choose good products, a few "secrets" that the gurus don't want you to know (at least not for free) and any old stray bit of info that comes to me as I'm writing.

I'll leave you with this thought: affiliate marketing is the only thing that I have come across that can make anyone a heap of money with little or no monetary investment, and that can be profitable the very first day you start. I think that if you are doing things without having any sort of monetary investment, like I'm doing, then it might take a bit longer, but it will still work, and probably faster than 90% of your other options.

If you want to be free of the burdens and worries of money this is a great place to start.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

How loving yourself can get you more money.

Another few page impressions. Most, however, are from this blog. It seems that people are coming here from my pings rather from the links. hmmm... I wonder why. Maybe I just need to give it a bit more time.

I just had a thought. For all those out there trying to make a difference in the world keep in mind that whatever you're feeling at any given moment is reflected in the world around you. So for instance, if you are trying to convey charm and honesty to a client, customer, or even your date, you're gonna have much better results if you actually ARE honest and charming (or at least feel charming cuz its not always possible to turn it on and off). I think most people know this from experience, especially writers, that whenever your writing and your emotions are in sync everything just sorta turns out better. Well I believe that's true for all areas of life. People are smarter than you think, even if you use all the right words to make you seems sincere nothing in the world can tell someone you are sincere unless you really are.
I think its also important to realize that people will treat you however you treat yourself. I mean if you're in a constant state of hating yourself, you're always stuck on all the horrible things you've done, and how you think you're such a disgusting person, people will see that. Not only will they see it but they'll treat you the same way. I find this everyday of my life. on the days when I feel like I can love myself, even my flaws, on those days everyone around me seems a little more willing to give me love as well.

This may seem a little off topic for this blog, but I really honestly think that everything in life is connected and if you start neglecting one aspect of your life a whole bunch of other aspects are gonna start suffering. So every now and again I'm going to throw in a few comments here and there that relate to keeping your mind, body and spirit healthy so we can all benefit a bit more from these endeavors.

So the lesson for today is love yourself and others will love you too and if money is what you want that love will often be naturally converted into money.


Forum advertising.

Hey all, been ahving a bunch of trouble from my ads today, nothing is going my way. I'll have to put off getting into the affiliate stuff today cuz I have some things I need to get sorted out. I will however tell you all that I just spent the last hour crawling forums and making posts with this blog's URL as my signature. Oddly enough I already have about 20 new page impressions. I guess it works. I personally wouldn't do this on forums that discuss topics I know nothing about, but it seems to work great when you can actually make some thoughtful posts. I would also only do this for forums that are highly specific to your site. But don't take my word it, experiment, see how far you can push things before you cross the line. Keep one thing in mind though, always let me know if something works;)


Affiliate Programmes.

Affiliate programmes are by far the best way to make an easy living on the net. Its not quite as easy as advertisers would have you believe but its really not that hard. You don't need a site of your own, you can start with no money (or under 50$ if you want), and your success is directly proportional to your ingenuity, dedication, and hard work. I'll be outlining the basics, some advanced techniques and going through the best sources of information and resources that I have found over the next few days. I'm a little strapped for time right now, so I'll continue this topic this afternoon.
stay fresh,

Friday, December 22, 2006

Increasing traffic to a blog.

Hey all,
only got 16 page impressions yesterday. One click through. Made nineteen cents! Hazzar! I think probably the best way to increase the traffic for a blog like this might be to start posting comments on other blogs. Probably not the best idea to just post any old nonsense, a genuine thoughtfull post, with real insight would be best. Thats what I've been doing with Myspace and it seems to be working out quite well.
I'll keep ya'll posted.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

A couple more adsense secrets.

Just a couple more little AdSense secrets. Placement is very important. If you can put them on the left of the page, or actually incorporate the ads directly into the text of the page that's best. Some people like to put them just below pictures, and I've seen sites that do this quite well and that probably get a very high CTR because of it, but I really don't think its the best thing to do for a lot of sites. Some people also like to put the ads just after an article or post, thinking that once the reader is done the article they will look around for something to do for a second. Could work. Essentially trial and error is all anyone really advocates.

As far as color is concerned just make sure it matches as close as possible to the rest of your site to avoid the dreaded "ad blindness." Other than that I haven't seen too many interesting tips for color. Joel Comm says that the URL should be blue because that has become the universal link symbol. Seems reasonable, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get blue links on my blogger ads yet. I just need to play around a bit more I guess.

That's all for now, I'll give away a bunch of affiliate and AdWords "secrets" tomorrow. Stay tuned till then.


Adsense Basics and a couple Secrets Revealed.

Hey there everyone. Yesterday's page impressions were pitiable. I only had 15 page impressions and a big fat zero for my click through rate (CTR). The good news though is that I was only pushing (pings and article distribution) this blog and this is the one that got 13 impressions. At least there is some effect. The way I see it any feedback is worthwhile.
Before I start dealing with Adsense basics I just want to mention a couple books that I think are really worthwhile. They're by Robert G. Allen, "Multiple Streams of Internet Income" and "The Road to Wealth." These are very good books, very helpful. I was actually just looking through The Road to Wealth and realized that he was doing what I'm trying to do; prove to everyone that anyone can become financially independent (just so long as they live in Canada or the US, I don't know enough about foreign economics to say anything about other countries). So check them out they're certainly worth the time investment.
Now for Adsense.
Adsense is a service by Google that allows website owners to monetize their pages with highly relevant ads. All you have to do is copy and paste some code into your source code and Bob's yer uncle. Its really ridiculously simple if you have a blog from Blogger. Just set up your blogger account (takes a couple minutes), put at least one post up so that Google has something to look at, then go to and put in your application. There you'll find all of the instructions (which are really easy to follow) and all of the rules you need to follow (also really simple, just don't put the ads on a porno site, or click on your own ads and you should be fine). Once your application is approved you'll have to pick out your ad formats, colors, and you'll get your code. Then its just copy and paste.
You get paid every time someone clicks on one of your ads and how much you get paid depends on how much the ads are worth. The value of the ads is determined by the popularity of the keywords used in the ads. Now, you can determine which keywords you want by altering the content of your site. If you want ads for legal aid, or debt management, then just plaster your site with relevant key words (I'll get into proper keyword use in a later post). There are lists of the highest paying keywords and it is possible to get some that pay considerably more than 0.10$ per click. There are some difficulties when it comes to choosing keywords and determining the content for your site but everyone seems to be pushing on the niche markets really hard (I'll go into this too in a later post). If anyone has any questions about any of this you can leave comments here and I'll respond as soon as possible.
Now for a few details. I've read several books on how to maximize adsense income and they all seem to be saying more or less the same things. None of them seem to have anything original to say so I'm going to save you the trouble of buying and reading them and just give you they're advice. I can't really consider it giving away they're secrets because I've read the exact same "secrets" in several different places so the original innovator has certainly been robbed by a long time ago.
Essentially what all these people are saying is that the worst thing you can do with adsense is make your ads look like ads. Everyone ambulating on the net has been bombarded with so many ads for so long now, and been ignoring them for so long, that there is a universal "ad blindness" when it comes to typical ad formats. We see banners, or the typical off-set scream-in-your-ear ads, so often that we literally block them out altogether. So what these authors tell us to do is ensure that the colors of the ads are the same as the colors on our sites, that they are placed so as to look like a part of the actual content of the page, basically anything to make the ads look less like ads and more like real content. There are really very few tips from these authors that go beyond what you'll learn from Google when you sign up to get your ads. They all just basically say to experiment, try out some different things, but always make sure to prevent your ads from looking like ads.
I will be doing my own experimentation with the little variables as we progress, and I'll let you know what works for my sites and what doesn't. I think that's all for now, if I think of anything else I'll post it and if anyone else has anything to add don't be shy, especially if you have any questions.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Money as a representation of appreciation.

Hi again, I hope everything is well with every one reading this.
Before I get into the discussion of the basics of internet income (as I understand them) I want to spend a bit of time acknowledging some basic principles of the laws of universal attraction. Consider this: money is energy. The value of money rests entirely on the fact that people agree that it has value. There is nothing inherent in the money itself that we prize, it is the energy that the money represents. Money is a force, created by universal agreement, that is propelled by our energetic investment of thought and intention. Now consider what that energy looks like, what it sounds like and feels like. Money does not have the same energy as a greedy person or a rich person. It has an altogether different energy when we consider its essence. In its essence it is the energy of appreciation. We use money to show our appreciation for products, services and sometimes people themselves. It is the appreciation of a product (or the perceived value of a product, which might possibly lead to appreciation) or service that compels us to pay money for it. Now consider how this can be so. Tell me how there can be a spending of money without a display of some sort of appreciation.
To put all this in perspective and to give you something to consider further, think about the fact that we all control our sense of appreciation. We can literally force ourselves to give or withhold appreciation at will. We can distribute appreciation as easily as we could distribute a thousand dollars. The only difference is that appreciation is limitless. We can literally give away millions of dollars worth of appreciation without ever spending a dime. Consider what would happen if you actually did this. How would people around you react if you were dolling out to them appreciation that's worth a thousand dollars? Would they reciprocate? How do you think they would reciprocate if they decided to? Do you think most people would pay actual money to feel genuinely appreciated? How often do you think the average person gets the chance to feel genuine appreciation? Would it be worth the investment on your part?

These ideas are not entirely my own. They mostly come from the Abundance for Life course from Paul Scheele at Learning Strategies. Don't think that I'm trying to sell you something, I get no commission from any of they're products (don't get me wrong I'd like to, but my affiliate account isn't up yet;). So don't be shy, don't feel like can't trust what I'm saying, or that there must be some catch or whatever. Just consider these ideas.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I love my family, with a note on article advertising.

Hey all,
I haven't updated this thing in a few days but I have a couple fairly good reasons for it. First I wasn't feeling too well, second I wanted to see how much organic traffic this thing (and the rest) is attracting. Well, turns out there isn't much. It seems that the only traffic I get for these blogs is from when I update them, even sending a ping through does very little. I guess I need to spread the word a bit, get some controversy, some back links, some zest, etc etc.

I've been thinking a lot about language as a means of increasing conversion rates for article advertising. I figure that the standard 3-5% is far too low and that a bit of the old crafty language patterns just might do the trick to bring it closer to 10%. We shall see, we shall see. I'll be developing some article templates, filled with variables that can be changed to fit any type of product, and which are highly convincing. I want to test them out first before I release them on the world so stay tuned.

A little side note about this blog in general. I figure even if it is a failure in itself, in that no one but my friends and family ever end up reading it, it really doesn't matter. The way I see it I'll eventually get the whole internet money making formula down pat, and I'll figure out a way to do it with little or no money. So at the very least this blog will stand as a great resource for my parents, and possibly my sister, so that they can have a beacon of hope whenever they get run down by money, or their bosses, or their coworkers, or customers, or whatever. Essentially all I want is to lay out in as clear a way as possible a method by which the people I love can feel free to start living the way that they want, on their own terms. If nothing else comes of this so be it, at least I'll have provided for my family, and possibly many others.

By the way the only blog that's been getting any organic page impressions at all is my Leavening Poetry. Go figure. It only got three hits for Sunday and three for Monday.

PS. I want to go over some fundamentals of affiliate marketing, adwords and adsense in tomorrows post so if yer new or just curious to see my take on the whole thing then checkk in tomorrow.

Friday, December 15, 2006

More details on the experiment.

hey all,
just checked the totals from yesterday and I got 55 page impressions and 3 clicks. The "fake" pages are definitely doing a lot better than the real ones. Perhaps it something to do with the amount of content, the fake pages have about five times more content than the real ones and are getting about five times the impressions. I made around 90cents. Slow goings so far. I've spent the last hour or so updating all my blogs. I put a whole bunch of poems on Leavening Poetry, and I decided to take the ads off of that one. Perhaps I shouldn't consider that blog as part of the experiment. By the way, I should probably explain the experiments a little further. What I want to do is demonstrate to the world that anyone can start making a living on the internet with absolutely no monetary investments. Some people might have to buy all of the information that they to get started, but once this blog has really taken off even that wont be necessary since all of the tips and tricks will be laid out for them right here. I'd love to be the one who is able to tell millions of people (or even just a few thousand) that they never have to work for someone else again. I personally absolutely hate having to work for a wage, a pitiably small wage, so that some fat slob can rich off my back. I am the child of the blue-lidded daughter of sunset, I deserve better, and so does everyone else.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

New Article about Holly Mann.

I had to promote Holly Mann's book Honest Riches. I really enjoy it, there's a lot of great stuff in it and its perfect for the beginner. The price is great too. She really seems like an intelligent entrepreneur. Her site is loaded with great stuff and there's a discussion forum. The forum doesn't have quite as much traffic as I'd like but that's ok, I think its still just starting out.
In the article I compare her book to the Rich Jerk book. She herself draws this comparison and even named her site She seems like a classy chick with a lot to offer, and I have no problem shamelessly promoting her stuff.

BTW I sent all of my sites to As of 1:25 PM I have 38 page impressions, and the experimental sites are beating out the real sites for impressions. Both control my debt and anti-depressed have 15 impressions each. All the other ones have between 0 and 3 impressions. No click throughs.

The article I wrote is at

95 page impressions. 1%CTR.

Hi all ,
Just updated my experimental blogs, haven't updated the real ones yet, I'll have to do after lunch. I've decided to limit the time I spend on the experimental ones to half an hour a day. Today was only about twenty minutes, I just cut and past a bunch of free articles from . It really is a great resource, better than other online magazine sites for sure.
So yesterday I got a total of 95 page impressions for all of my blogs, and got 1 click through. That's approximately 1% CTR (click-through-rate for those greener than me.), typical for adsense if I'm not mistaken. So my total revenue for yesterday was $0.79. I haven't done any advertising yet, and only pinged control my debt with ping the empire.
Unfortunately I had my real blogs set so that wouldn't be notified. I changed that this morning so I figure I can expect around 110-130 page impressions today. I'm also going to ping all of my blogs today and hopefully I'll get the chance to write an article advertising this blog.
I think I'll stop here for now, I'm not feeling too well today. I'll probably do another post later today with a brief update.
Oh yeah almost forgot, I still haven't got the adsense channels figured out yet. I know I know, horribly unscientific of me. I'll get it all straightened out today, I promise.

see y'all on the flip side.
peace out,
love yer neighbor,
happy Hanuka.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The money experiments.

Hi all,
forget the last post. I really just set it up so that I would have some content. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to put in this blog, I just knew I wanted it to document my progress with my entrepreneurial endeavors. Last night, however, I decided that it would be best just to be as honest as possible with my readers and let you guys in on every single little thing that I'm doing in my pursuit of self-employment. So what I'll do is give you details of what I've been doing to date, my plans for the future and and any developments that come up along the way.

First of all, I've been focusing exclusively on setting up monetized blogs to see how they do. I've been watching click through rates and page impressions, and hoping that I might get some clicks on my ads. So far I have a few blogs, all monetized, and I'm not really getting any clicks. Granted I only set up the first ones less than a week ago, but I still somehow figured it would start a bit sooner.

I've started two legitimate blogs (i.e. ones that I actually care about and want to put a genuine effort into) and three experimental blogs (i.e. filled with cut and paste articles). The basic premise for this experiment is to see if it is possible to get any sort of descent income from merely cutting and pasting free articles. I've tried to maximize the income from these blogs by choosing topics that have some of the highest paying keywords but I've also chosen the least time consuming method of creating content. I figured that since a lot of those "internet money-making gurus" advise us that we can make money from sites that basically play host to a bunch of free articles I figured I would do a controlled test.

Now here's where you come in. I'm really new to all of this so if I start making some blogging gaffs you all are going to have to help me out. I'm so new I still haven't figured out how to set my channels with adsense yet! jeez louise. So if anyone ever has any ideas for me, or notices something that I should or shouldn't be doing I'd love to hear about it. Its all in the name of science so don't be shy.

I'll be posting everyday, maybe even more than once a day, so keep in touch or subscribe its all good.

I think that's all for now, if I've forgotten anything I'll be back in a bit.

Oh man, this should be a fun ride. If everything works out, this blog (this is my "meta-blog" for the experiments by the way) should provide a free template by which anyone can become self-employed through use of the internet.
I'm so excited!


PS. the experimental blogs are , , and . These are the ones that have no real substance, I slapped them together and maintain them with about 20 minutes of work a day. I'll keep you all posted with the click-through rates and page impressions once I figure out how to track all that fun stuff.

My real blogs are this one (obviously), , a blog showcasing my poetry, and I'll be starting a blog with my girlfriend about wholistic health and alternative therapies. These blogs are the genuine ones, I'll be spending a great deal of time and effort on them. I won't, however, be mentioning this blog in any other blog to make sure they are more or less standing on they're own.
I'll keep you posted with everything that I'm doing, any progress I make, my revenue, what types of advertising I do, the resources I use, everything.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Its money in the Bank.

Hi all,
I'm quite new to the whole online money-making business. I started a couple months ago when a woman approached me about network marketing. It sounded good to me at the time so I decided to look into it. I got caught on the idea of residual income and multiple streams of passive income. The whole thing looked great to me except for one thing: network marketing takes a fair amount of leg work to get going and I just couldn't handle that with my current schedule. So I took to the net. I looked high and low all over the place for some sort of money making plan, or scheme, or program. I ended up finding quite a few really interesting methods and techniques for making a decent living from internet sources. Its incredible really, how much money is being passed over the internet everyday. All we really have to do is figure out how to tap this beautiful gold mine.

That's what I'm doing. I'm here to share what I have already learned and to bring you all along with me for my future adventures.

A couple of words to start: Adsense and Adwords. I'm sure everyone has already heard of these as a quick and easy way to generate revenue but not everyone knows how to make any real money from them. The beginner especially is bound to make all sorts of terrible, expensive mistakes when they start playing around with these things. So what I want to do with this blog is first of all focus on the absolute beginner, since I'm really not that far ahead of him, then start developing some really powerful money-generating systems.

Just a couple more things to think about. There is a whole lot of power in language, especially when it comes to getting money. There are a thousand ways to part a fool from his money, but unfortunately not many fools are rich. Its not always so easy. We need it to be easy though, we crave ease in our methods right? So how do we make it easy? Language. Its easy to speak in certain ways so that people want what we have in exchange for something we want. All we need to do is figure out how to talk about it in the right way.

I want to focus on language extensively throughout this blog because I think its THE most important variable in our equations, but for the near future I want to cover a few of the basics.

The next post will focus on the essentials of making money on the internet, presented in a quick and dirty format.

Don't ever be afraid to leave comments, I'd love to hear it if you have any suggestions or criticisms.
bye for now,