Friday, December 15, 2006

More details on the experiment.

hey all,
just checked the totals from yesterday and I got 55 page impressions and 3 clicks. The "fake" pages are definitely doing a lot better than the real ones. Perhaps it something to do with the amount of content, the fake pages have about five times more content than the real ones and are getting about five times the impressions. I made around 90cents. Slow goings so far. I've spent the last hour or so updating all my blogs. I put a whole bunch of poems on Leavening Poetry, and I decided to take the ads off of that one. Perhaps I shouldn't consider that blog as part of the experiment. By the way, I should probably explain the experiments a little further. What I want to do is demonstrate to the world that anyone can start making a living on the internet with absolutely no monetary investments. Some people might have to buy all of the information that they to get started, but once this blog has really taken off even that wont be necessary since all of the tips and tricks will be laid out for them right here. I'd love to be the one who is able to tell millions of people (or even just a few thousand) that they never have to work for someone else again. I personally absolutely hate having to work for a wage, a pitiably small wage, so that some fat slob can rich off my back. I am the child of the blue-lidded daughter of sunset, I deserve better, and so does everyone else.

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