Friday, December 15, 2006

More details on the experiment.

hey all,
just checked the totals from yesterday and I got 55 page impressions and 3 clicks. The "fake" pages are definitely doing a lot better than the real ones. Perhaps it something to do with the amount of content, the fake pages have about five times more content than the real ones and are getting about five times the impressions. I made around 90cents. Slow goings so far. I've spent the last hour or so updating all my blogs. I put a whole bunch of poems on Leavening Poetry, and I decided to take the ads off of that one. Perhaps I shouldn't consider that blog as part of the experiment. By the way, I should probably explain the experiments a little further. What I want to do is demonstrate to the world that anyone can start making a living on the internet with absolutely no monetary investments. Some people might have to buy all of the information that they to get started, but once this blog has really taken off even that wont be necessary since all of the tips and tricks will be laid out for them right here. I'd love to be the one who is able to tell millions of people (or even just a few thousand) that they never have to work for someone else again. I personally absolutely hate having to work for a wage, a pitiably small wage, so that some fat slob can rich off my back. I am the child of the blue-lidded daughter of sunset, I deserve better, and so does everyone else.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

New Article about Holly Mann.

I had to promote Holly Mann's book Honest Riches. I really enjoy it, there's a lot of great stuff in it and its perfect for the beginner. The price is great too. She really seems like an intelligent entrepreneur. Her site is loaded with great stuff and there's a discussion forum. The forum doesn't have quite as much traffic as I'd like but that's ok, I think its still just starting out.
In the article I compare her book to the Rich Jerk book. She herself draws this comparison and even named her site She seems like a classy chick with a lot to offer, and I have no problem shamelessly promoting her stuff.

BTW I sent all of my sites to As of 1:25 PM I have 38 page impressions, and the experimental sites are beating out the real sites for impressions. Both control my debt and anti-depressed have 15 impressions each. All the other ones have between 0 and 3 impressions. No click throughs.

The article I wrote is at

95 page impressions. 1%CTR.

Hi all ,
Just updated my experimental blogs, haven't updated the real ones yet, I'll have to do after lunch. I've decided to limit the time I spend on the experimental ones to half an hour a day. Today was only about twenty minutes, I just cut and past a bunch of free articles from . It really is a great resource, better than other online magazine sites for sure.
So yesterday I got a total of 95 page impressions for all of my blogs, and got 1 click through. That's approximately 1% CTR (click-through-rate for those greener than me.), typical for adsense if I'm not mistaken. So my total revenue for yesterday was $0.79. I haven't done any advertising yet, and only pinged control my debt with ping the empire.
Unfortunately I had my real blogs set so that wouldn't be notified. I changed that this morning so I figure I can expect around 110-130 page impressions today. I'm also going to ping all of my blogs today and hopefully I'll get the chance to write an article advertising this blog.
I think I'll stop here for now, I'm not feeling too well today. I'll probably do another post later today with a brief update.
Oh yeah almost forgot, I still haven't got the adsense channels figured out yet. I know I know, horribly unscientific of me. I'll get it all straightened out today, I promise.

see y'all on the flip side.
peace out,
love yer neighbor,
happy Hanuka.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The money experiments.

Hi all,
forget the last post. I really just set it up so that I would have some content. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to put in this blog, I just knew I wanted it to document my progress with my entrepreneurial endeavors. Last night, however, I decided that it would be best just to be as honest as possible with my readers and let you guys in on every single little thing that I'm doing in my pursuit of self-employment. So what I'll do is give you details of what I've been doing to date, my plans for the future and and any developments that come up along the way.

First of all, I've been focusing exclusively on setting up monetized blogs to see how they do. I've been watching click through rates and page impressions, and hoping that I might get some clicks on my ads. So far I have a few blogs, all monetized, and I'm not really getting any clicks. Granted I only set up the first ones less than a week ago, but I still somehow figured it would start a bit sooner.

I've started two legitimate blogs (i.e. ones that I actually care about and want to put a genuine effort into) and three experimental blogs (i.e. filled with cut and paste articles). The basic premise for this experiment is to see if it is possible to get any sort of descent income from merely cutting and pasting free articles. I've tried to maximize the income from these blogs by choosing topics that have some of the highest paying keywords but I've also chosen the least time consuming method of creating content. I figured that since a lot of those "internet money-making gurus" advise us that we can make money from sites that basically play host to a bunch of free articles I figured I would do a controlled test.

Now here's where you come in. I'm really new to all of this so if I start making some blogging gaffs you all are going to have to help me out. I'm so new I still haven't figured out how to set my channels with adsense yet! jeez louise. So if anyone ever has any ideas for me, or notices something that I should or shouldn't be doing I'd love to hear about it. Its all in the name of science so don't be shy.

I'll be posting everyday, maybe even more than once a day, so keep in touch or subscribe its all good.

I think that's all for now, if I've forgotten anything I'll be back in a bit.

Oh man, this should be a fun ride. If everything works out, this blog (this is my "meta-blog" for the experiments by the way) should provide a free template by which anyone can become self-employed through use of the internet.
I'm so excited!


PS. the experimental blogs are , , and . These are the ones that have no real substance, I slapped them together and maintain them with about 20 minutes of work a day. I'll keep you all posted with the click-through rates and page impressions once I figure out how to track all that fun stuff.

My real blogs are this one (obviously), , a blog showcasing my poetry, and I'll be starting a blog with my girlfriend about wholistic health and alternative therapies. These blogs are the genuine ones, I'll be spending a great deal of time and effort on them. I won't, however, be mentioning this blog in any other blog to make sure they are more or less standing on they're own.
I'll keep you posted with everything that I'm doing, any progress I make, my revenue, what types of advertising I do, the resources I use, everything.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Its money in the Bank.

Hi all,
I'm quite new to the whole online money-making business. I started a couple months ago when a woman approached me about network marketing. It sounded good to me at the time so I decided to look into it. I got caught on the idea of residual income and multiple streams of passive income. The whole thing looked great to me except for one thing: network marketing takes a fair amount of leg work to get going and I just couldn't handle that with my current schedule. So I took to the net. I looked high and low all over the place for some sort of money making plan, or scheme, or program. I ended up finding quite a few really interesting methods and techniques for making a decent living from internet sources. Its incredible really, how much money is being passed over the internet everyday. All we really have to do is figure out how to tap this beautiful gold mine.

That's what I'm doing. I'm here to share what I have already learned and to bring you all along with me for my future adventures.

A couple of words to start: Adsense and Adwords. I'm sure everyone has already heard of these as a quick and easy way to generate revenue but not everyone knows how to make any real money from them. The beginner especially is bound to make all sorts of terrible, expensive mistakes when they start playing around with these things. So what I want to do with this blog is first of all focus on the absolute beginner, since I'm really not that far ahead of him, then start developing some really powerful money-generating systems.

Just a couple more things to think about. There is a whole lot of power in language, especially when it comes to getting money. There are a thousand ways to part a fool from his money, but unfortunately not many fools are rich. Its not always so easy. We need it to be easy though, we crave ease in our methods right? So how do we make it easy? Language. Its easy to speak in certain ways so that people want what we have in exchange for something we want. All we need to do is figure out how to talk about it in the right way.

I want to focus on language extensively throughout this blog because I think its THE most important variable in our equations, but for the near future I want to cover a few of the basics.

The next post will focus on the essentials of making money on the internet, presented in a quick and dirty format.

Don't ever be afraid to leave comments, I'd love to hear it if you have any suggestions or criticisms.
bye for now,