Thursday, January 25, 2007

Improve your article visibility.

A strange thing happened to me today. I wrote an article a few days ago about affiliate programmes and resources and what not, and I put (what I thought was) a relevant title on it. It said what the article was about, simple and straight forward. I went back to check on how things were doing with it and noticed it had only been downloaded 4 times in just under a week. I wasn't satisfied with this so I decided to change the title to see if that would get it more readers. I changed it to be more flashy and catchy, still relevant to the content, but certainly more grabbing. Then just now, about an hour after it was rereleased on the site, I saw it had already got 15 downloads!! In an hour!! That's just crazy.

So the lesson I learned from this is that if your target audience is article site readers and not people looking through search engine listings, then the title is absolutely KEY.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Don't steer your site into the rocks.

hi all,
I just tried out Web-stats and I think I'm in love. First off its dirt cheap, only 5$ a month. Second you get a 30 day free trial. And third it's got literally everything you could ask for. It's basically a program that tracks the traffic to your site. It gives details as to where the visitor is coming from, how long they stay, what they click on, what part of the world they're coming from and God knows what else. It's giving me so much more insight into how people are dealing with my page its ridiculous! The way I see it if you're trying to run a site like a business but you don't have this program you're basically navigating a ship without a compass or a map, plus you're blindfolded... and deaf. It's absolutely fantastic, and best of all they have a pretty decent affiliate program you can sign up for. But don't take my word for it, just start the free trial, it's really easy to set up and so worth it.