Saturday, December 23, 2006

How loving yourself can get you more money.

Another few page impressions. Most, however, are from this blog. It seems that people are coming here from my pings rather from the links. hmmm... I wonder why. Maybe I just need to give it a bit more time.

I just had a thought. For all those out there trying to make a difference in the world keep in mind that whatever you're feeling at any given moment is reflected in the world around you. So for instance, if you are trying to convey charm and honesty to a client, customer, or even your date, you're gonna have much better results if you actually ARE honest and charming (or at least feel charming cuz its not always possible to turn it on and off). I think most people know this from experience, especially writers, that whenever your writing and your emotions are in sync everything just sorta turns out better. Well I believe that's true for all areas of life. People are smarter than you think, even if you use all the right words to make you seems sincere nothing in the world can tell someone you are sincere unless you really are.
I think its also important to realize that people will treat you however you treat yourself. I mean if you're in a constant state of hating yourself, you're always stuck on all the horrible things you've done, and how you think you're such a disgusting person, people will see that. Not only will they see it but they'll treat you the same way. I find this everyday of my life. on the days when I feel like I can love myself, even my flaws, on those days everyone around me seems a little more willing to give me love as well.

This may seem a little off topic for this blog, but I really honestly think that everything in life is connected and if you start neglecting one aspect of your life a whole bunch of other aspects are gonna start suffering. So every now and again I'm going to throw in a few comments here and there that relate to keeping your mind, body and spirit healthy so we can all benefit a bit more from these endeavors.

So the lesson for today is love yourself and others will love you too and if money is what you want that love will often be naturally converted into money.


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